Bough Break
by Jessica Hudson
Publication Date: 4 June 2024
Nightingale & Sparrow Press
Genre: Poetry
Accumulating moments that force the speaker to reconsider her childhood expectations, Bough Break attempts to maintain a sense of kindness toward the delirious grown-up world and the strange, sharp people who stay long after they make their impressions. Through the confluence of memory, media, and the meticulous eye of the speaker, each poem disturbs a moment of calm in a young girl’s world—a disturbance that creates a sudden overwhelming awareness of the delineation between self and other, care and apathy, dependence and separation. These are the moments right before the cradle falls, when the baby realizes she’s in a tree and the branch beneath her is cracking.

About the Author
Jessica Hudson received her MFA in Creative Writing from Northern Michigan University, where she worked as an associate editor for the literary magazine Passages North. Her work has been published in CHEAP POP, Fractured Lit, The Pinch, So To Speak, and West Trade Review, among others. She currently lives in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where she writes and reads creative nonfiction beside her snoring black cat. Read more of her work at jessicarwhudson.wixsite.com/poet.
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